
Discover timeless and trendy designer bags for women. Our collection of trendy handbags comes in a multitude of styles, models and materials to match every look.

Transform your look and simplify your everyday life with our shoulderbags and belt bags, two essential accessories that combine style and practicality. You're sure to fall for one of our famous shoulderbags: Oskan and Oskan moon, Oskan hobo soft, Oskan soft zipped, Yenky, Botsy, Leyden or Darwen.

A crossbody bag like our legendary Naoko, Nessah, Wardy and Sierra, or the timeless Oskan and Oskan Moon, sits effortlessly on the body, perfect for a casual look while keeping your essentials safe and your hands free. Modern, timeless belt bags including our iconic Skano, can be worn around the waist or slung across the chest for contemporary urban style. For a sophisticated look, our handbag models feature leather finishes that age beautifully over time.

Cross-body bags have gone from being practical accessories to fashion essentials. Discover our flaship models such as the Naoko, Oskan moon, Oskan, Nessah, Wardy or Sierra and find your perfect match. Elegant leather models and mini bags are particularly popular with fashion enthusiasts. You're sure to love our must-have Mini Moon and Mino models. Pair them with casual outfits such as jeans and blazers for a chic daytime look.

For parties and evenings out, opt for a small-format bag, such as a pouch or mini bag, which will go perfectly with your evening looks.